A Letter in the Scroll

A Letter in the Scroll

The Schara Tzedeck Book of Life

Ours is a diverse and beautiful congregation, with members from all corners of the earth. From newcomers to those whose ties to our shul family go back five generations. From the earliest members of our community who founded our first synagogue in Strathcona, to survivors of World War II seeking to build their post-Shoah Jewish lives here, to immigrants from South Africa, Morocco, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many more.

Each one of our Kehilla has a beautiful story and connections with Schara Tzedeck. Each story is priceless and simply cannot be lost.

Inspired by the words of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l, in reference to the Baal Shem Tov’s likening of the Jewish people to a living Torah scroll, and every individual Jew a letter within it. If a single letter is damaged or missing or incorrectly drawn, a Torah scroll is considered invalid.

As a member of our Kehilla, you are a letter in Schara Tzedeck’s scroll. You are crucial to completing our collective story.

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“I am a Jew because, knowing the story of my people, I hear their call to write the next chapter. I did not come from nowhere; I have a past, and if any past commands anyone this past commands me. I am a Jew because only if I remain a Jew will the story of a hundred generations live on in me. I continue their journey because, having come this far, I may not let it and them fail. I cannot be the missing letter in the scroll.”