Boxer Family

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Jack and Tannis Boxer are both native-born Vancouverites.  Jack had his Bar Mitzvah at Schara Tzedeck, his parents were both very involved with the shul, and his brother Al, who lives in Toronto now, is a past president of Schara Tzedeck. 

During elementary school, Tannis attended Schara Tzedeck afternoon Hebrew school for a few years.   

We were married during the era of Rabbi Hier, who attended our wedding. Both Tannis and our sister-in-law Jackie Boxer, were active together  in the Schara Tzedeck sisterhood.

We moved to Richmond and lived there for 32 years, where we were part of Eitz Chaim and then Young Israel of Richmond BC. We moved back to Vancouver 10 years ago. Our eldest daughter, Shuli, was the NSCY advisor before the shul brought rabbis in to fill that position. She and Ari Rieser celebrated their wedding at Schara Tzedeck 16 years ago. Our children Judy Boxer Zack and Barend Zack, were fortunate to have Rabbi Rosenblatt officiate at their wedding and now have 3 wonderful kids who often sit together with us in shul.

Barend’s family is also a multi-generational Schara Tzedeck family. Although 3 of our 4 children live out of town (with our other 5 grandchildren}, they still consider Schara Tzedeck their home shul. Rabbi Feuerstein had already left Vancouver by the time our son Jeremy married, but we were delighted that he was able to attend Jeremy and Jillian’s wedding in New York.  Our daughter Rivka spent the first two years of her high school experience at Schara Tzedeck where the Shalhevet High School was housed prior to acquiring an independent building. 

This past Pesach, we were delighted that our eldest grandson, Davidi Rieser, visiting from New York.  was able to participate in Schara Tzedeck services by reading the Haftarah on the 7th day of Pesach.